Of sacred things

Recent reviews of Peter Mark Adams’s Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos, by Mark Stavish for Paralibrum and Denis Poisson on his Foolish Fish YouTube channel.


‘Adams states that Hagia Sophia was not only constructed according to classical understanding of mechanics and construction, but also according to its ideals of harmony and beauty which in and of themselves are an understanding and expression of metaphysical realities. The temple is a sacred landscape where humanity participates in the divine, and that divine is superior to whatever doctrine may hold the physical deed to the temple at the moment: be it Christian or Muslim – that Hellenic theurgy makes it a living gateway to the classical past. It is an initiatic chamber, a “library in stone,” and talisman all rolled into one. It is – as Fulcanelli suggested in his work The Mystery of the Cathedrals – the Great Work hidden in plain sight, making it the ultimate piece of resistance to metaphysical and political tyranny.’

– Mark Stavish

Read the full review


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